Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Dear Media: Isis is a Goddess

What started me on posting about this issue at this particular moment is Susan Morgaine Stanley's March 20 post on The Motherhouse of the Goddess blog,  "Ritual for Reclaiming the Name of the Goddess ISIS."  Susan writes that listening to the news one night, she again heard  the name of this Goddess used to describe a terrorist organization. She continues:
"I immediately cringed and once again, felt sick inside. I think that for most of us who practice a Goddess-based spirituality, the name of our beloved Goddess becoming the name of an international terrorist organization, is painful....I also began to realize that I just did not want to sit back any longer. I wanted to fight against Her name being taken in vain."
She then offers a ritual, complete with  instructions,  actions,  words, and pics.

I then came across a Feb. 10 post on The Wild Hunt blog by Terence P Ward, "Facebook Deletes 'Following Isis' Group."  And then there is the statement on the Fellowship of Isis website. Some may say "it's just an acronym, get over it." But I can't.  At this point, some newspapers, such as Britain's The Guardian, don't even capitalize all four letters, as is appropriate for an acronym. Here's one example from its U.S. online edition in coverage of the Brussels attacks . And here is the same mistake in its Global edition.

All of these led me to Google "goddess isis terrorist." Here are just some of the links you can find there:





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At Tuesday, March 22, 2016 4:13:00 PM, Blogger ssquire said...

Thank you so much for mentioning my article/ritual on Motherhouse of the Goddess. I shall share your blog on my FB personal wall, and my FB Goddess Feminist page, called Shakti Warrior. If you are interested, my blog is ShaktiWarrior.wordpress.com I will be bookmarking yours.
Susan Morgaine


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