Sunday, September 28, 2008

Buzz Coil: September '08

Gorgon Resurfaces : Blogger Laughing Medusa treats us to an ambitious and innovative 4-part series on "Finding the Female Hero." Part I (Sept.5) discusses Jungian archetypes and myths, with references to the works of Riane Eisler, Gerda Lerner, and Rosemary Radford Reuther. Part II (Sept. 8) begins looking for new forms to replace old hero forms. Part III (Sept 12), is about trans-mythic journeys to the Underworld, which may also be understood as "the Divine Feminine Womb" and how these myths differ with the gender of the hero. Part IV (Sept. 15) explores the new model of the female hero in popular fiction.

Evoking the Goddess: In his Sept. 22 post, "Balancing on Air" blogger Paul writes about the closing of some small churches in England, the symbolism of English Norman cathedrals, and, referencing Geraldine Charles article in the current Goddess Pages , the need for balance filled by Temples honoring Goddess(es).

Alive Mind & Spirit: In her Sept 17 post, "Does the Sex of God Matter?" Carol P. Christ connects Sarah Palin’s participation in "the hypermasculine world of the Christian Right," to "a vision of the world where believers are warriors," and discusses Elizabeth Gilbert’s contention (in Gilbert's book, Eat, Pray, Love) that calling God by exclusively masculine nouns and pronouns is okay.
Starhawk’s Sept. 25 post, "Collapse and Elections: My Lessons from Katrina," reviews the lessons of the 2006 hurricane in light of "a new round of storms, Wall Street deconstruction and capitalism in meltdown mode..." and tells us that she plans to vote for Obama.

Peacock Dreams: In her first post on Sept 11, T. Thorne Coyle fills out her voter registration form and reveals her election plans. In her second post for this day, she is "inspired" by Sarah Palin to download a certain movie.

Broomstick Chronicles: In her Sept. 23 post, "The Veil Grows Thin" , M. Macha NightMare shares a video of San Francisco Reclaiming’s Spiral Dances dating back to 1979.

At Brigid’s Forge: Blogger Lunaea honors the Greek Goddess Persephone on the Autumn Equinox in her Sept. 22 post, "Prayer to Persephone."

Textual Arachne: In her Sept 22 post, "Balancing, spinning, moving," Blogger Arachne shares Equinox reflections and prayer.

The Wild Hunt:Jason Pitzl-Water looks at a variety of traditions in his Sept. 22 post, "Happy Autumnal Equinox."

Goddess in a Teapot: Seeing a fox loping across her office parking lot starts Carolyn Lee Boyd on a fascinating post on Sept. 19, "The Wild is Where You Find It". Carolyn finds it in what many people would think an unlikely place. (No, I’m not going to tell you–go read the post.)

House of Inanna: In his Sept 25 post, "....I am now back on track," Brian Charles writes of the restorative power of a ceremony in the Budapest Goddess Temple.

At the end of desire: In two posts on Sept. 1, blogger Inanna shares her "Pagan Church" experience that includes pancakes, her new dog, her partner, and other joys.

The Village Witch: In her Sept. 25 post, "Feel the Fear and Let it Go" in her Asheville NC Citizen-Times blog, Byron Ballard tells of a working her group did to name and let go of a fear, with chanting and toning.

Washington Post: On Faith Starhawk writes on "Abortion and the Goddess" in her Sept. 25 post. She quotes a passages from what she wrote in The Pagan Book of Living and Dying, of which I quote only a part here:
"It is in our encounter with the the mysteries of birth and death, growth and suffering, pleasure and sorrow, that we meet the Goddess. So to take away our right to have that encounter, to face that often painful and difficult choice, is to deny a woman's deepest spiritual self."
Did we miss an item you think is important? We’d like to know about it, so please leave it as a comment.



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