Thursday, October 02, 2008

Global Goddess Oracle: Autumn Equinox Issue

Articles in the Autumn Equinox issue of Global Goddess Oracle include:

"Found Goddess - The Computer Goddesses" by Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D. Meet Goddesses Lucre, Pecunia, Walmartis, Fenestella, the Format Fairies--including Linker Bell--and the Wizards of Que and Eye D'G, in this continuation of Ardinger's series.

"Real Love vs. Romance" Why Settle for Crumbs?" by Gayle Goldwin. This article begins, "Romantic love is a modern invention, a myth born of Dependency and Need" and continues to distinguish between "romance" and "love."

"Wisdom - The Gift from the Crone" by Angie Skelhorn, about both the mythology of the Crone and about real-life wise women who helped Angie.

"On Finding Myself Middle Aged," by Mama Donna Henes, who doesnt think "Crone" is an appropriate title for her and so rejects the Triple Goddess model because she thinks it's not accurate for contemporary women. Donna also contributed a feature, "Ask Your Mama," in which she answers a question from "Time Deprived and Pooped in New York City" about finding time to plan rituals.

Dawn "Belladonna" Thomas contributed a number of articles including the introduction to this issue, "Autumn Equinox 2008"; "Solitary Autumn Equinox Ritual"; "Moon Schedule, Mabon to Samhain"; "Herb of the Season: Sage"; and a review of the book Hidden Passages by Vila Spiderhawk.

This issue's poems include: "Passage" by Mary Lyons, "The Crone's Secret" by Bendis, and "Thin" by Holly Cross.

There is also an informational article about "The Enchanted Mountain Goddess Conference" taking place in Salamanca, NY, Nov. 7-10.

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