Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Buzz Coil: Sept. '09

Riding the Second Wave: In her Sept. 6 post, blogger catkisser defines "Wholistic Feminism" as including

Goddess awareness, a spirit of charity and cooperation...
and asks:

How can you embrace a religious model that promotes your own original sin for being born without a penis and be a feminist?

The Wild Hunt: "Feminists Love Religion (and the Goddess)" is Jason Pitzl-Waters’ Aug. 28 post, exploring Cris Klassen’s new anthology about third wave feminists, Feminist Spirituality: The Next Generation. In his Sept. 22 post, "Happy Autumnal Equinox," Jason gives a brief summary of the names various Pagan groups call this equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and quotes from this year’s information about it from both mainstream media and Pagans.

Walking on Fire: In her Sept. 20 post, "Mother of Manifest Blessings," blogger Myfanwy combines her runes workings with her observance of the Jewish New Year. And in her post "Seasons Blessings" she gives us a Jewish New Year/Mabon greeting.

Hecate: Blogger Hecate’s Sept. 19 post, "Mabon and Living in Relationship With the Land," relates that working on the land has helped her sense the increasing or decreasing of the veil(s). Her Sept. 20 post, "Harvest," has mouth-watering pics of fruit, flora, veggies, and pies that Hecate photographed at DC’s Eastern Market. The feast is introduced by American folk art dolls.

Daily Kos: Blogger Tara the Anti Social Social Worker is winding down her wonderful Wednesday series on Goddess spirituality and political activism, "How a Woman becomes a Goddess," in which she combines the myths of various goddesses with socio-political issues. In her Aug. 26 diary about Athena, she compares the images of female power in patriarchal cultures to how "Democrats hand over power to Republicans ever since coming back into control of the government." Her Sept 9 diary is about the Irish healing Goddess Airmed and various ways of marking 9/11. Her Sept. 23 diary is about Japanese creator deities Izami and her husband, among whose creations is Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess. She relates particularly Izami’s mythology to feelings of loss and the need to let go that many people associate with Mabon and/or autumn. She ties in this feeling to the "teabagger/town hall madness." Tara also writes of "letting go" of this series as a regular feature but she "may do occasional goddess diariess as time and the Muses permit." She includes a poll, asking what goddesses you’d like to read about in these future occasional diaries so go vote! These and previous diaries in this remarkable series,can be found here.

The Village Witch: Byron Ballard writes about the diversity of the Mountain Area Interfaith Forum and its role in planning the Asheville NC area’s Earth Religions Week (the last week in October) in her Sept 9 post, "We Forget, Sometimes, How Lucky We Are" in the Asheville (NC) Citizen-Times. The observance seems to have extended to a month in her Sept. 15 post, "Earth Religions Awareness Month–it it already Pagan October?"

Evoking the Goddess:
In his Aug. 22 post, "Orkney Goddess?" blogger Paul treats us to a great pic of what has been reported as the oldest human carving found in Scotland, dated to 4500-5000 years ago. Sure looks like a Goddess to me.

Weblog for Our Mother-God: In an undated post (all posts appear to be undated),"Top Pagans?"which, when I looked on Sept. 23 was at the top of the weblog, this blog, aka "The Chapel Chronicles" rejects its listing by The Daily Reviewer as one of the top Pagan blogs, stating:

"we—uhh—aren’t a pagan blog!"
and proceeds to tell why. This is followed by a post on "Kwan Yin as the Holy Daughter." I find this intriguing. I’d be interested in what readers of Medusa Coils think of the overall approach of this group. Their website homepage is here (if the blog doesn't load, go the main website and click on "What's New" atop the left column). Feel free to leave your comments below.

Did we miss an item you think is important? We’d like to know about it, so please leave it as a comment.



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