Fiercely defending, bravely exploring Goddess and spiritual feminisms
Monday, January 25, 2010
Availability of Goddess columns ebook--with discount code
All of my "Thealogical Musings" columns that appeared in the print journal The Beltane Papers from 2002 to 2007 have just been published as an e-book, Goddess Spirituality at the Crossroads and other columns, in multiple formats, at Among the columns: Goddess as Flow, Naming Ourselves, Do We Create Our Own Reality? Psychic Gifts, Death Reminds Us, Who says We're Weak on Ethics?, Keeping Faith in Stormy Times, Goddess Beliefs and Sexuality, Goddess in Christianity and Judaism. Readable on virtually any ebook reading device, the available formats at Smashwords include Epub, Mobi (Kindle), pdf, lrf (Sony Reader), Palm doc (PDB), html, javascript, plain text. Free samples (including a full contents list) are available there for most of the formats. And, as an Imbolc/Valentine's gift for all my sweeties, I've arranged for you to be able to get 25% off by putting this code in when you check out: UF84M (not case sensitive). You can use the discount code now through Feb. 15 (Pacific Time).
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Well done, you! Now, that's a Valentine gift.
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