Friday, May 30, 2014

Buzz Coil: May 2014

 A look at some posts of interest from our blogroll and sometimes beyond:

Annelinde's World: Annelinde Metzner's May 16 post is a beautiful poem, It's May! With pics of wonderful May flowers.

HecateDemeter: Gemmy's back! Blogger Hecate posted Chapter 34 of her fiction saga, "A Place Without A Witch," on April 30. Chapter 35  was posted on May 13, and Chapter 36 on  May 20 . 

My Village Witch: In a May 6 post, Working Backwards, Byron Ballard writes of her experience honoring ancestors with others at an event called "Wordfest" in Asheville NC.

The Motherhouse of the Goddess: In her May 21 post, Remembering My First Steps Into “Alternative” Spirituality  Tracey Paradiso recalls how she dealt with certain  problems when she first became involved in shamanism and asks if you'd like to share in a blog comment "your first steps into a non-traditional spiritual realm." Kimberly Moore, in a May 25 post, Elliot Rodgers and the Altar of Male Entitlement, first writes about what she feels are motivations for continuing violence against women and then points out the relationship between these actions, the demonization of Goddesses and women, and related doctrines and practices in various cultures and religions. 

The Wild Hunt: Jason Pitzl-Waters' May 25 post, Opinion: Goddess in Times of Horror, examines the recent Isla Vista CA shooting massacre with an explanation of why he became a Pagan, as well as Goddess feminism's response to misogyny. He quotes Starhawk and Naomi Goldenberg (among others) and also refers to Carol Christ, Margot Adler, and Margaret Atwood. Jason then writes of the massacre:
 "In the face of such horror, is the only sane reaction a radical re-embrace of female divinity? In a time when hate towards women seems at a fever pitch, do we not need to answer with: that which you hate and try to destroy is sacred."

Panthea: In her May 6 post, Your Mother Knows Who Your Father Is, blogger Lisa comments on blogger Athana's April 24 post on Radical Goddess Thealogy, which she found through last month's "Buzz Coil" on this blog. Lisa writes:
"I read it [Athana's post] gleefully, taking in all the Goddessy goodness until this point: 'It’s the female body AND the female body alone, with its magnificent, mysterious, magical holy powers, that manufactures life'."
Then Lisa tells why she takes issue with Athana's point of view.

Radical Goddess Thealogy: Blogger Athana's May 17 post, Dirt Happens, Clean It Up, tells why she thinks switching spiritual affiliation to pre-patriarchal "peace goddesses" would be more effective in cleaning up "today's dirty world" than switching to "peace gods."  (She defines the "dirt" as "fighting, meanness, stinginess, etc., etc., etc.")

Glenys's Blog: In her May 29 post, Solstice – Winter/Summer @ EarthGaia, Glenys Livingstone discusses how the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere and the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere reflect each other. She then issues an invitation to the upcoming Winter Solstice Celebration at MoonCourt on June 20 at 7 p.m. local time in the Blue Mountains of Australia. 

The Goddess House: Preparing for the winter in Australia, in her May 16 post, Journeying With the Dark Goddess, blogger As't Moon gives background on working with  "dark" deities and writes: "On Saturday, 14 June 2014, I will be inviting people to journey with me into the Underworld in order to meet three of these wonderfully powerful and often grossly misunderstood Goddesses....It is envisioned that a workshop on the "dark" aspects of the God (the divine masculine) will be held in 2015."

Hearth Moon Rising's blog: In a May 2 post, Hearth Moon Rising discusses Ianuaria, Celtic Goddess of Music, her shrine in Burgundy, France, and her relationship to turtledoves. With a pic and a turtledove video. 

Tamis Hoover Renteria: Tamis advocates more dancing and other "sensual spiritual experience" in her May 17 post, The Problem With Too Much Thinking in Religion. She discusses various Jewish, Christian, and Pagan thinking and less-thinking practices.

Queen of Heaven: Beginning with the Michelangelo pieta (with pic) in the Christian tradition, blogger Carisa in her May 3 post, Weeping for Tammuz: The Queen of Heaven and the dying god, goes on the give background on the grieving goddesses Isis and Demeter, and the dying god, Tammuz, who is associated with Ishtar, who she relates to Inanna, Astarte, and others.   

Fellowship of Isis Central: A May 6 post gives us a Festival Report for Beltaine with a description of an observance on May 3 presented by members of the Fellowship Priesthood and the Circle of Brigid at the Foundation Centre.

Casa della Dea: Several posts about Brigid grace this month's offerings at this Italian language blog. For example, the May 13 post Viaggio a Kildare: le sorgenti sacre  ("Travel in Kildare: the sacred springs," according to Google Translate), tells about traveling to Ireland and how to get to Brigid's well. 

Large Group Blogs

Because of the large number and variety of bloggers and posts on these blogs, we are now suggesting that you visit them and select the posts that interest you most.

Return to Mago:  A Goddess-centered blog whose administrator/owner is Helen Hye-Sook Hwang.

Feminism and Religion: Many bloggers from many different religions and paths.

Pagan Square: This blog of many mostly-Pagan paths is sponsored by BBI Media and includes SageWoman blog posts.



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