Monday, August 24, 2015

Buzz Coil: August 2015

Some recent posts from blogs on our blogroll (please note, we don't knowingly list posts in Buzz Coil that have been published previously elsewhere or on the same blog):

Association for the Study of Women and Mythology:  An August 24 post announces the opening for applications for the “Kore Award for Best Dissertation” about women and mythology. The post includes a form and rules for applying. Time period for submission is November 1, 2015 – January 15, 2016.

Woods Priestess: In her Aug. 14 post, “Call for Contributions: Practical Priestessing,” blogger Molly invites contributions to an anthology section she is planning to add to her dissertation. The post includes guidelines. Deadline is Feb. 1, 2016.

Yeshe Rabbit: Rabbit’s July 31 post is the full text of her presentation at this year’s Glastonbury Goddess Conference, “Sky Dancer: Flight of the Dakini.”

 Casa della Dea: This Italian blog’s August 9 post, “Katinka Soetens è una Sacerdotessa di Avalon e di Rhiannon, Dea dell'Amore. Madre di tre figli, originaria dei Paesi Bassi, vive a Glastonbury/Avalon,” announces a two-year course with 10 meetings, beginning in December 2015 and running through November 2017, to be given by Katina Soetens, priestess of Avalon and Rhiannon.

The Goddess House: Beginning August 1, Frances Billinghurst (the Australian blogger formerly known as As’t Moon?) has been posting a series about the similarity of a serious health situation in her life to the descent of Inanna to the Underworld through seven gates. As of my last visit on August 24 there were four posts, the last on August 8 titled “Before the Third Gate.”
The Motherhouse of the Goddess:  Priestess and founder of The Motherhouse of the Goddess Kimberly Moore writes about “Celebrating the Goddess Hecate as Protector from Storms,” in her August 13 post that includes the history of this association.
Hearth Moon Rising’s blog: Blogger Hearth Moon’s July 31 post, “What’s in a Name Part Part II (Witch),” discusses the meanings and derivations of the words “witch” and “wicca.” Second in a three-part series.
Annelinde’s World: Annelinde Metzner’s August 16 post, “New to the World,” is a poem welcoming her great-niece. With pics.

 The Wild Hunt: Cara Shulz’s August 18 post, “Kermetic Wiccan Builds Temple Dedicated to the Goddess Hathor,” is an interview with the builder of the temple in Wisconsin, which is nearing completion after 10 years.
Katrina’s Joy: Katrina Messenger’s August 9 post, “Celebrate Wildness:Feraferian Beauty & Depth,” is a review of a book by Jo Carson about the Pagan tradition of Feraferia. In her review, Katrina writes:
“I am especially in awe of the raising of the Maiden as the cure to our collective patriarchal madness. Kore becomes more than a fair maiden who becomes swept away; she becomes the empowering life principle within us all to counter the toxic influences of our Western culture.”

Works of Literata: On August 18, blogger Literata also posted a review of “Celebrate Wildness.” In it she writes:
“My biggest discomfort about the book is that something about the approach feels slightly off to me in a feminist sense. It’s very hard to put my finger on, but the whole attitude seems like it honors the goddess as the divine feminine other, perpetuating the idea that masculinity is normal and the feminine is other. . . .”

Large Goddess/Spiritual Feminist Blogs

Because of the large number and variety of bloggers and posts on these blogs, we are now suggesting that you visit them and select the posts that interest you most.
Feminism and Religion: Many bloggers from many different religions and paths

Pagan Square: This blog of many mostly-Pagan paths is sponsored by BBI Media and includes SageWoman blog posts.
Return to Mago: A Goddess-centered blog whose administrator/owner is Helen Hye-Sook Hwang.


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