Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Buzz Coil: July 2016

Some recent posts from blogs on our blogroll (please note, we don't knowingly list posts in Buzz Coil that have been published previously by the blogger elsewhere or on the same blog):

Pagaian Cosmology: Glenys Livingstone's  July 17 post, "Imbolc/Lammas Moment August 2016 C.E"  provides background on the two holidays –  one in the southern hemisphere where Livingstone lives, the other in the northern hemisphere – including their  differences and similarities.  Her July 24 post, "No Eye But Hers," quotes a poem by Jami from 1414 CE. Livingstone begins her reflection on this poem by writing:
"this is Virgin – no matter what your sex on the spectrum, She is in all.
… this is parthenos, which is so much more than the patriarchal reduction to mean 'unbroken hymen': She is 'one-in-herself', 'unto Herself' – integral, complete, embodying the whole universe, as each and all being does."
With large pic by Livingstone.

Works of Literata:  On July 18, blogger Literata shared ritual work for then upcoming Republican Convention. She invited readers to participate in the ritual "To keep the peace in Cleveland." I guess it worked!

 HecateDemeter: Blogger Hecate's July 4 post, "Hail, Columbia!" is about the Goddess (aka "Freedom," "Libertas,") atop the U.S. Capitol  (and also located elsewhere).  The post includes a number of links, including those to longer posts she's written on the subject previously. 

Annelinde's World:  Annelinde Metzner's July 22 post  is a poem she wrote in 2012, "Thank You, Hillary."

 Hearth Moon Rising's blog:  Hearth Moon's July 22 post, " Really Big Deer," is about the Scottish Goddess Cailleach Bheur, as well as Hearth's personal experience with one particular deer.

Large Goddess/Spiritual Feminist Blogs
Because of the large number and variety of bloggers and posts on these blogs, we are now suggesting that you visit them and select the posts that interest you most.

The Wild Hunt: Pagan, news-oriented blog that has grown from single blogger to many bloggers.

Return to Mago: A Goddess-centered blog whose administrator/owner is Helen Hye-Sook Hwang.

Feminism and Religion: Many bloggers from many different religions and paths.

Pagan Square: This blog of many mostly-Pagan paths is sponsored by BBI Media and includes SageWoman blog posts.

The Motherhouse of the Goddess: Blog affiliated with Motherhouse Podcasts and Mystery School.



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