Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Buzz Coil: August-September-October

Blessed Samhain/Hallows and Happy Halloween.
Here are some notes about recent posts from blogs on our blogroll:
Annelinde's World: Annelinde Metzner's poems discussed here are all accompanied by illustrations: Oct. 5 post: the poem, "I Feel Like a Big Person" which begins "Dr. Mukwege sews and sews" tells about a surgeon Annelinde writes she was introduced to by Eve Ensler and the relation of his activities to women's power. Annelinde's Sept. 24 posted poem, "Milkweed" is about the warmth of September and its bees, wild strawberries, goldenrod, and the "Sacred Mound." Her Sept 18 posted poem, "She's Still There" tells of a mountain called "Grandfather" by some and "Grandmother" by others, including Annelinde. Her Aug. 11 posted poem "The Holy City" is about a mountain called "Grandmother of North Carolina."

Veleda: Max Dashu's Aug. 5 post, "Serpent Goddess in the Tree" focuses on the representation of the Serpent as a Goddess in the Tree of Wisdom  by European artists from 1200 into the 1600s. With many illustrated examples. Dashu's Aug 2 post, " Furies and Witches" contains historical information about the stories of the Furies, focusing on Tisiphone. Also with many illustrated examples.

HecateDemeter:  Hecate's Oct. 23 post, "Public Magic in Spite of..." opens with a general discussion of her views on Pagans who tell other Pagans that they're doing "it" wrong, and goes on to discuss the U.S. electoral process. I can't resist quoting an excerpt from the paragraph that starts the electoral discussion. Hecate writes:
"One very public act of magic is showing up to vote.  (Your vote is secret, but the fact that you voted is public information — as someone recently had to explain to the moron in the White House.)  And. . . . what I’ve learned is that, when enough of us vote, the magic works."
 Hecate's Oct. 18 post, "In Event of Emergency, Break Window and Perform Spell," illustrated with a beautiful picture of a blue candle flaming white, is a ritual from Michael M. Hughes, centered around the need for a "blue wave."  Hecate's series, "The Magical Battle for America," continues on: Oct. 14 and 7; Sept. 23, 16, 9, and 2; and Aug. 26, 19, 12, and 5.

Pagaian Cosmology: Australian Glenys D. Livingstone's Oct. 18 post, "Beltaine/Samhain Moment @ EarthGaia," explains the astronomical and spiritual significances of these 2 holidays occurring in late October-early November in Earth's Southern and Northern hemispheres. Among her many fascinating statements is "Death is actually the Mother of us all " (yes, in red, and in her post, linked to more info).

Fellowship of Isis Central: The Sept. 26 post of this blog announces the uploading of an FOI liturgy ritual in a translation from English into French.

My Village Witch: When I visited Byron Ballard's blog this time ( c. 10/26-10/29), what I assume is an html (or coding) error made it impossible for me to enter the blog.

Because of the large number and variety of bloggers and posts on the following blogs, we are now suggesting that you visit them and select the posts that interest you most.

Feminism and Religion: Many bloggers from many different religions and paths.
The Motherhouse of the Goddess: Blog affiliated with Motherhouse Podcasts and Mystery School.

Pagan Square: This blog of many mostly-Pagan paths is sponsored by BBI Media and includes SageWoman blog posts.

The Wild Hunt: Pagan, news-oriented blog that has grown from single blogger to many bloggers



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