Saturday, August 31, 2019

Buzz Coil: July-August

Here are some notes about recent posts from blogs on our blogroll: 

Association for the Study of Women & Mythology: Many events are announced in the August postings of the ASWM blog. I'm posting them here in the same order they appear on the blog, which may vary somewhat from the chronological order of posting.

The Aug. 15 post, "Online Scholar Salon with Kathy Jones" gives information about an online program, "Motherworld: Creating a Life-affirming Society for All," scheduled for Sept. 25.
 The Aug. 28 post, "Kore Award for Best Dissertation...." announces the opening of this award competition on Sept. 16, what its focus is, past winners, the schedule for the 2020 Award and a link to an application.
The Aug. 20 post, "Matriarchal Studies...New Bilingual Site," created by The Academy HAGIA, has arrived and is available in both English and German. It is free and licensed by Oxford University Press.
The Aug. 10 post announces "38th Annual Women and Spirituality Conference," to be held Sept 20-22 in Rochester, Minnesota.
Aug. 5 post announces the 2020 ASWM Conference, is scheduled for March 13-14 in a suburb of Albuquerque, New Mexico. 

Fellowship of Isis Central: This organization's Aug. 27 post, "Temple of Isis Convocation 2019," honors the Goddess Anuket and the God Hapi and will be held in Geyserville, CA. This is an annual convocation. The post gives further information about this year's event.The Aug. 11 post, "New Italian Translations," gives information on the updating of these from the Handbook of the Fellowship of Isis

Annelinde's World: Annelinde Metzner's posts are her poems. Her July 12 post, is a"Prayer for the Wood Thrush," which begins:

"On this exquisite New Moon of May,
the Wood Thrush has returned, exuberant, virtuosic,
casting its heartbreaking riffs 

into the eager ears of the woods."
With pics and links to videos and recordings.
Her July 5 post, "Convivencia," is about a Sephardic  music tradition. Here is a quote from the poem:
"Hundreds of  years of music and peaceful coexistence,
     Muslim, Christian, Jew,
     here in these cobblestone streets of Spain,
     France, Morocco, Egypt,
     these ancient Mediterranean lands
     where all the faiths lived comfortably, side-by-side."
With several pictures.
Her July 1 post, "Highlander Fire," is about a recent fire set by white supremacists in Tennessee. With several pictures.

HecateDemeter: Here are just a few of the posts from the most recent 2 month's work of this very prolific blogger:
The Aug. 3 and Aug. 10 posts, both titled "My World and Welcome to It,"  are about Hecate's new home in the Blue Ridge Mountains. With many pictures.
Though the blogger has a new home, "The Magical Battle for America" series is still part of this blog. In the Aug. 25 and July 28 posts, blogger Hecate focuses on the aspect of this series she calls "The Cowboy" and on Aug. 25, asks you to "think of someone who must be stopped and brought to justice." Guess what 4 people she lists. The Aug. 18 post focuses on "Le Saumon," title  (in French) of Salmon as shown on the "banner." She then focuses on types of Wisdom and suggests you "Ask Salmon what particular wisdom you can share with those you meet." The Aug. 8 post focuses on Walden Pond, Thoreau, prairies, buffalo, and elections. The Aug. 6 post focuses on "Tricksters" (Fox, Bugs Bunny, Hermes, Raven, etc.).
Also continued on this blog is Hecate's earlier series, "A Witch Without a Place." In Chapter 3, posted Aug. 17, we meet a good-looking fellow named Paris as he tries to convince his daughter, Chessy, to eat a peanut butter sandwich. And yes, Gemmy (familiar to people following the series from the previous version) appears in this chapter.  

PaGaian Cosmology: From her home in Australia, Glenys D. Livingstone writes in two posts about celebrating spring season holidays. Her Aug. 3 post "Our True Nature: At the Centre of Creativity" explores the relationship of spiritual symbolism of Imbolc/Early Spring to our lives; her July 26 post "Imbolc/Lammas Season," explores the celebrations marking this season at various places in the world. 

Brigid's Grove: Blogger Molly's Aug. 17  post considers "A Prayer for Cauldron Time." Her July 30 post "Lammas Magic and Cauldron Month Resources," is about the month in which the first harvest is celebrated beginning (in Earth's Northern Hemisphere) on or about Aug. 1 (Lammas). Both posts have illustrations.

Because of the large number and variety of bloggers and posts on the following blogs, we suggest you visit them and select the posts that interest you most. 

Feminism and Religion: Many bloggers from various religions and paths.

Pagan Square: This blog of many mostly-Pagan paths is sponsored by BBI Media and includes SageWoman blog posts.

The Motherhouse of the Goddess: Blog affiliated with Motherhouse Podcasts and Mystery School.
The Wild Hunt: Pagan, news-oriented blog that has grown from single blogger to many bloggers. 
