Poetry Witch: Little Book of Spells by
Annie Finch, Wesleyan University
Press (2019) $6.95, trade paperback,
(64 pages) 4.2” x 0.5” x 6.2”

You may be familiar with the maxim, Good things come in small packages. That saying could well have been created
to describe this book, which is small in size but large in scope and
beautifully organized.
Little Book of Spells will hold interest for many readers, not only
for its poetry, but also for its use of fonts and color. The titles of the main
sections of the poetry are all set in bold face caps (often abbreviated as “bfc”
especially by professional editorial personnel) In this book, these section titles are:
East: Casting; North: Wheel of the Year;
West: Covening; South: Creating; Center: She Who. Readers who are active or
at least familiar with Pagan and Wiccan ritual will recognize that these are
the major parts in the ritual circle casting. In the table of contents, the
poem titles in these sections are set in very light typeface and, in fact the
use of such light type is my major criticism of this book. Not only the names
of the poems in the table of contents, but also some sections in the fore matter
and the back matter are printed in type several shades lighter than the other
sections of the book. The light type is hard-to-read for many people and
includes the Acknowledgments section in the back matter, the “Poet’s Note” in
the fore matter, and the subtitles in the table of contents (since they are
short, however, they–at least for me–do not pose as much of a reading problem
as the Acknowledgments and other longer light-printed sections).
Most of
the poems themselves are printed in regular dark (but not bold) typefaces,
although some, apparently to contrast with the color of the background on which
they are printed, are printed in white. In another unusual aspect, the poems in
the book are generally only 1-4 lines long. Here are some examples of these
short yet usually deep poems:
The first
poetry section, whose 2 title pages and 2 of its 5 poems are set in white type
on a deep yellow background and titled East, North, West, South, and Center, opens with this poem for “East:”
spin the air;
Sing dark;
sing light; aware”
The 2nd
section, is “Wheel of the Year.” Its title pages and 2 of its 9 poems (8 of
which are related to individual Pagan holidays) are set in white on a green
background. One of these, “Litha” is an illustrated one-liner:
“Point your
fire like a flower.”
illustrated and in the same color scheme, the poem for “Yule” reads:
leaves, roots of darkness, glowing.
Come with
your seasons, your fullness, your end.”
In the the
3rd section, “Covening,” title pages and 2 of its 5 poems are set in
white on a blue background. Its closing poem, “Communion,” reads:
“Now the
worshipping savage cathedral our
make will lace
death and
its food, in the moment that refracts
In the 4th
section, “Creating” title pages and 2 of its 6 poems have white type on orange
background. In it, a poem titled “Nightmare” reads:
oh woman lost in the depths of me,
Lost to
the rage that has risen up with me,
Lost till
I ride you home – nightmare of me.”
“She Who,”
the 5th and final section, has title pages and 3 of its 9 poems set
in white type on deep blue background. All but one of the poems in this section
are named for Goddesses. For example, its poem, “Yemaya” reads:
“Star of
the ocean, flow wide in us;
grow round and abide in us.”
the length and size of this book─that depends on how you count and measure. considers the book 64 pages long and the measurements in inches at
the top of this review are Amazon’s. I count the pages this way: poetry
sections, 49 pages; front matter, 7 pages; back matter, 4 pages. (These do not
include the blank pages.) My measurements in inches differ only in the depth,
which my tape measurer tells me is less than half an inch. However, this may
reflect compacting that occurred in shipping.
Ways of counting pages may vary, but of one thing I'm sure: In size,
use of color, and text of poems, Annie Finch’s The Poetry Witch: Little Book of Spells will be considered by many
readers as one of the most inventive poetry books one can obtain.
Labels: books, Goddess traditions, reviews