Tuesday, August 28, 2007

News from the Temples

[Note from Medusa: Every few months, we hope to have reports from the various and growing Goddess Temples around the world, written by members/priestesses of these Temples. For previous "News from the Temples" and articles on this blog about individual Temples, go to bottom of this post and click on the Label "Temples" ]

The Goddess Temple of Orange County
Perhaps the most exciting news from The Goddess Temple of Orange County has been the unveiling of our new Earth Altar. Painted by a very talented Temple Priestess, the Earth Altar sits regally between The Queen and The Crone altars. Standing almost from the floor to the ceiling, the Earth Altar depicts a forest scene with flowing waterfall, evergreen trees, forest animals, giant boulders and calm pool. Many Goddess symbols are also part of the picture including spirals, flames, moon and the two central symbols: a snake winding its way around a large white egg. The Earth Altar was unveiled and consecrated in joyous ritual and ceremony on Earth Day and is dedicated to Goddess Gaia.

The Temple's many priestesses have been very busy this past quarter attending to all of the Temple's needs and to its growing dedicated congregation. These hard-working womyn continue to serve The Goddess in many ways, including: 1) Keeping The Temple open for the public to worship four days a week; 2) Holding two services each Sunday; 3) Holding eight Holy Day rituals annually; 4) Holding two healing drum circles each month; 5) Holding other weekly classes and many workshops. All of this activity requires lots of time, dedication and talent and we are thankful to our director, Rev. Ava, and to our Temple Priestesses for everything they do on behalf of The Temple.

We are also very appreciative to all of our honored guests who have come to The Temple to share their wisdom, including Ruth Barrett, Kathy Jones, Marsh Engle and Christina Biaggi. We invite one and all to experience the peaceful and powerful energy of The Goddess Temple of Orange County. Please visit us soon!!

-Sheryll Alexander
"Priestess of Publicity"



Monday, August 27, 2007

Tag: Path Joys & Trials

Thanks to Paul of Goddess Evoke for tagging us for this tag-meme, started by Birch Grove:

"I really want to know what everyone loves about the religions they call their own, and what trials they face in adhereing to those beliefs. I think we might have more in common than we all think. Here are the rules:
You have to use your own belief system for the meme. No fair using someone else’s to make a joke or satire. Being humorous about your own religion is encouraged!You have to have at least one joy and one trial. More are encouraged. And no, they don’t have to be equal in length, but please be honest.You have to tag at least one other person. More are appreciated!Please post these rules!"

Since labyrs is away and Medusa is up to her eyeballs in a book review she's writing and hoping to post here in a few days, I guess I'm "It."

To tell the truth my own "belief system" is close to atheism. Before I got involved with the Goddess, which is recently compared to a lot of you I'm sure, I was definitely an aetheist. I think I became one because the Christian God was too literal for me (besides being a "he.") None of the literal belief systems make sense to me because they all fall down in the face of reason and/or science. So I guess one of the joys of Goddess is that I can be involved with this type of "religion" or spirituality and still not have a belief in a concrete deity. I can think of Goddess more as a metaphor, so I can believe and not believe at the same time. Another joy would be that the Goddess path gives me a way to examine how religion interacts with politics and social systems, and problems such as the environment. As for the trials---I guess one is still being "in the closet" about my participation in this. Or to put it another way, one of my trials is getting up enough nerve to come out and talk to others about this path. I think I will get there soon and participating in this blog is certainly helping me feel part of a community.

And now I tag Inanna at At the End of Desire.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Goddess Pages - Lammas Issue

The large portion of fine poetry and reviews in Goddess Pages is causing me to start thinking of it as the literary magazine of Goddess journals. Its site has instituted a login, but the login isn’t needed (yet?) for everything. It’s not needed for any of the poems, reviews, and new feature, "news." But it is needed for some articles, which I’ll fill you in on when we get there. But before I start, here's a hint I hope is helpful: The homepage has portions of some of the items, with "read more" links, but to get to all of the items, you should go to the list on far right side and click on the various sections (articles, poetry, reviews, etc.)

Now let's go to those extraordinary poems. "Recall," by Penn Kemp is about Mary Magdalene and was written on her feast day, July 22. "The Hanging Gardens of Babylon" by Doreen Hopwood is a poem of heroic length with allusions to Erishkegel and Persephone. Other poems include "Mother Song" and "In Your Dreams, Amelia Earhart" by Jacqui Woodward-Smith; "Sophia" by Michele Arista; "With the Women" by Maria Duncalf-Barber, and "The Song You Sing," by Mary Novak.

Next, the reviews. Geraldine Charles reviews the novel Magdalene Rising by Elizabeth Cunningham. This book is a prequel to Cunningham’s popular The Passion of Mary Magdalen, which imagines MM as a Celt and Druid. Jacqui Woodward-Smith reviews Cheryl Straffon’s Daughters of the Earth—Goddess Wisdom for a Modern Age. This nonfiction book is centered around 8 annual festivals with material drawn from myth, folklore, archeology, anthropology, and science. Other reviews include: At the British Museum: 12th May 2007, reviewed by Jacqui Woodward-Smith, about a day of Goddess presentations that contained references to the current situation in Iraq; Temple of the Moon Goddess a CD by Heretix reviewed by Sue Norris; and Rosie Eflain’s Soul Music, a CD reviewed by Jacqui Woodward-Smith.

And now the articles: As far as I could tell, you can only access two full articles: Not Right: The Modern Failure to Recognize the Iconology of the Palaeolithic Figures and Figurines Viewed in the light of Insanity–Part I and Salome Reawakens. The Temple of Venus in Sicily.

"Not Right: The Modern Failure to Recognize..." doesn’t have a byline (or didn’t when I visited the site on Aug. 24), but I scrolled down and saw the copyright was by Michael Bland, so I assume he’s the author. This is an offbeat article written with an intellectual sense of humor (ok humour, since Goddess Pages is edited in Britain), seeking to show that "Goddess figures" and "Goddess figurines" are appropriate names for certain works of Paleaeolithic art. Part 2 is scheduled for the next issue at Samhain.

"Salome Reawakens..." by Tiziana Stupia is a fascinating article about Tiziana’s visit to Erice, the site where a Goddess Temple once stood in western Sicily. Tiziana’s visit was aided by the Italian Pagan organization, Anima Mundi, and included a celebration of Venus Erycina’s Feast Day on April 23.

The articles you need to login to read are: "Eating the Flesh of the Goddess: Demeter and the Bread of Life" by Harita Meenee; "The Archetype of the Womb. Part II: Womb Ovens" by Theresa C. Dintino; and "Hel’s Dish: Some thoughts on hunger, anorexia and the Goddess," by Geraldine Charles.

The new News section, no login required, contains links to an article and an interview about Nepal’s Living Goddess, a link to Goddess Wave Radio, and a call for poems for an anthology to be called, "Brigid’s Runes."

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Buzz Coil: August

Here’s what we found buzzin’ on some blogs recently:

Evoking the Goddess: Thanks to blogger Paul for his terrific coverage of the Goddess Conference in Glastonbury, England, beginning with a pre-conference presentation by Max Dashu, "Woman Shaman," and continuing through days 1 to 5 of the conference plus a postscript, and ending with a link on August 15 to "BBC Coverage of Goddess Conference." These (I didn't link to them all but you'll want to read them all) posts include comments on Lydia Rule’s banners, dances led by Allesandra Belloni, talks and workshops galore, celebration of Lady Olivia’s (Fellowship of Isis) 90th birthday, cronings, a Saturday night masked ball, and the Sunday morning procession to the top of the Tor. With terrific photos!

Pagan Godspell: Sara Sutterfield Winn has a series underway on "Pagan Inquisition," which isn’t at all like the historical European Inquisition that did away with non-Christians. Sutterfield seems to be using the term in a less baggaged way, to simply mean"inquiry," though, come to think of it, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some double entendre intended. The series starts on Aug. 5 with "Nobody Expects the Pagan Inquisition" and so far has two additional posts.

Panthea has a neat new design with a Goddess quote from Beethoven (who woulda guessed?). On August 17, blogger Grian, posted "Dancing Under the Moon," , which begins:
I danced under the Maiden moon tonight, spinning like a child beneath the branches of old cottonwoods.
On August 21, she blogs about "Restlessness" and boredom. So why not mosey on over and give her something to "wow" her?

Katrina’s Joy: Katrina Messenger toys with the idea that perhaps there's too much sexual metaphor in the western magical tradition and wonders "what would have happened if the reigning metaphor had been birth instead of copulation" in her post, "Cosmologies: Sex versus Birth." (Is it really an opposition?)

The Wild Hunt: Jason Pitzl-Waters, in his continuing terrific job of rounding up lots of Pagan news, tells us about a new program at Cherry Hill Seminary, which is geographically located in Vermont but also functions online, in his Aug. 17 post, "A Pagan Chaplaincy."

Textual Arachne: Blogger Arachne discusses "Three Faces" of Goddess: Divine Transcendence, Divine Immanence, and Goddesses (polytheism) in her Aug. 14 post.

Radical Goddess Thealogy: On Aug. 3, Athana blogged out a special missive "To Anti-War & Climate Change Activists" about the relationship between their interests and religion, and in her August 19 post, "RU Worried Yet?" , she alerts us to a scary group.

DiscernIt is Christian blog that has been running a series titled, "Crisis in the Church." Part 5, on Aug. 13, is dedicated to getting the folks in the pews stirred up about the threat of Goddess worship . It's followed on Aug. 16 by Part 6, "The Wiccan" , which includes the "problem" of Wiccans using a prayer room at a Kansas City IHOP. I backtracked this blog to see what the previous crises in this series were, but honestly there are so many crises discussed on this blog that they really can't be limited to the series. As near as I can tell, the series crises are General Unrepentence (part 1), New Age (parts 2 and 3) Reiki (part 4). Other unnumbered crises-centered posts include those on yoga, Taize (contemplative spirituality) and Theosophy. I'm going to focus here on Part 5, Goddess Worship, which has many links about which to aggravate oneself. Of particular interest is a link to Athana’s blog, Radical Goddess Thealogy, and to an article at Chalcedon that warns of a "serious problem: that Goddess worship has "crept into all of America’s mainline Protestant denominations." (Wow! Really?) Blogger Kim concludes thusly:
The above list of denominations is frightening. The feminist movement has a great deal to do with the infiltration of goddess worship in the church and according to the occult world the New Age that is dawning will be a feminine age. The feminine goddess is being accepted in the liberal church and prevalent in witchcraft, especially Wicca....
All these issues from Yoga to Goddess worship involve the same principles. These principles that range from the altered consciousness to contact and worship with the spirit world, lead us away from Christ....the world will be ready to accept the Antichrist with open arms. He will fit right in because the world is now being prepared for his arrival.
Are you ready? Are you wearing God’s spiritual armor and using his Word to defend yourself or are you spiritually compromised by involving yourself in the occult world?
There are only two choices!!!!


Sunday, August 12, 2007

In Memoriam: Shekhinah Mountainwater

Shekhinah Mountainwater passed over at 2:30 p.m. Pacific Time August 11. Many women became acquainted with Shekhinah--and the Goddess--through her workbook, Ariadne's Thread.

Shekhinah, Sower of Dreams,
Shekhinah, Dreamer of Songs,
Thread your way home.

Sweet Shekhinah,
Strong Shekhinah,
Teacher of teachers,
Priestess to priestesses:
Rest now
in the arms of our Goddess
and be renewed.

Blessed Be.


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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Prayers for Shekhinah Mountainwater

I have learned through Lunaea Weatherstone that a dear Goddess sister and beloved teacher, priestess and author, Shekhinah Mountainwater , has experienced a worsening of the cancer about which she blogged several months ago. Shekhinah is being cared for by caregivers including hospice workers; close friends and family are visiting her. Late this week, priestesses Z Budapest and Leilani visited Shekhinah. Lunaea writes :
Z anointed Shekhinah with Indian rose oil that had been blessed by Amma. She laid a wreath of laurel over Shekhinah's head briefly, as a symbol of her heroism, and then improvised a beautiful song of blessing and release, while the other women in the room hummed and added their energy. The presence of the Goddess was strong, and Shekhinah was alert and taking it all in.
Deepest prayers, blessings, and thanks to Shekhinah for a Goddess-lived life, and for helping so many sisters discover and explore the Goddess path.


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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Events Coil: Aug.9 - Sept. 30

We are bolding the links to events that last more than one day because you often need to make plans well ahead of time for those. As far as we know, all events we list are open functions; but some may be limited to women or to adults. Please check the websites for group policies. If no country is given, the event is in the USA. All times are local. When listing events for the same date, we have tried to list those occurring first, taking into account time zone differences. If there is a difference between our listings and the listings on the web page linked to, assume their web page is correct, as it may have changed since we listed from it.

The next Events Coil is planned for early to mid September and will include events listed here that haven't yet happened, plus new events for about the next 6 weeks. If you have an event you want listed in future Events Coils, please leave info a comment. See the end of this Coil for what info we need for listings.

Aug. 9, 7 p.m. New Moon Drumming, Goddess Temple of Orange County, Irvine CA

Aug. 10-12, The Heart of the Sun Ceremony Honoring Sekhmet ,Temple of Goddess Spirituality Dedicated to Sekhmet, Indian Springs NV

Aug. 13, 2 p.m. New Moon Healing, Glastonbury Goddess Temple, Glastonbury ENGLAND

Aug. 14, time tba, Start of Elul (self-reflection), Mishkan Shekhinah, San Francisco CA

Aug. 14, 7:30 p.m. "The Craft Connection," Goddess Temple of Orange County, Irvine CA

Aug. 17, time tba, Friday Evening Shabbat,Mishkan Shekhinah, San Francisco CA

Aug. 17, 7:30 p.m. Mother-Right and Gender Justice with Max Dashu, Goddess Temple of Orange County, Irvine CA

Aug. 18, 1-5 p.m. Goddess Martial Arts with Erin Huey, Goddess Temple of Orange County, Irvine CA

Aug. 19, Kl 11.00, Haxpedition "Blakulla" AxMarbruk med Margitta Wigren, Gudinne Templet, Soderhamm SVERIGE (Sweden)

Aug. 19, 1:30 - 5 p.m. "Priestesses," with Max Dashu, Goddess Temple of Orange County, Irvine CA

Aug.21, gather 7:30 p.m., Celebration of Isis/AuSet, Daughters of the Goddess (Dianic), San Francisco, CA

Aug. 26, 1-2 p.m. Orientation for new pledging priestesses, Goddess Temple of Orange County, Irvine CA

Aug. 28 7 p.m., Nine Morgans Oracles, Glastonbury Goddess Temple,
Glastonbury ENGLAND

Aug. 28, gather 7 p.m., ritual 7:30 p.m. Full Moon ritual, Goddess Temple Dedicated to Sehkmet
, Indian Springs NV

Aug. 28, 7 p.m.,
Full Moon Drumming, Goddess Temple of Orange County, Irvine CA

Aug. 31-Sept.3, Shamanic Fire Dance Retreat, Circle Sanctuary, Mt. Horeb WI

Aug. 31, Kl.18.30, "Min inre resa" med Malin Berghagen, Guddine Templet, Soderhamm SVERIGE (Sweden)

Sept. 2, gather 11 a.m.,
Celebration of Yemaya with ocean pilgrimage, Daughters of the Goddess (Dianic), San Francisco CA

Sept. 8, Noon - 6 p.m. Goddess Path Class, Goddess Temple Dedicated to Sekhmet, Indian Springs NV

Sept. 11, gather 7 p.m., ritual 7:30 p.m. New Moon Women's Mysteries, "Envisioning Peace," Temple of Goddess Spirituality Dedicated to Sekhmet, Indian Springs NV

Sept 11, 7:30 p.m.,
The Craft Connection, Goddess Temple of Orange County, Irvine CA

Sept. 12, 11 a.m.
Rosh Hashanah/New Moon, Miskhkan Shekhinah, San Francisco CA

Sept. 12, 7 p.m., New Moon Drumming, Goddess Temple of Orange County, Irvine CA

Sept. 14-16, "Earth Spirit, Earth Action" with Starhawk, Amsterdam NEDERLAND

Sept. 16, 14.00 uur, Herfst Equinox, Avalon-Mystic, Hillegom NEDERLAND

Sept. 20 Kl19-21,
Skordefesten - Mabon, Guddine Templet, Soderhamm SVERIGE (Sweden)

Sept. 21, 7 p.m. Fall Equinox Celebration, The Women's Well, Concord MA

Sept. 21, 7:30 p.m.
Autumn Equinox Ceremony, Glastonbury Goddess Temple, Glastonbury ENGLAND

Sept. 21,
Celebrate Fall Equinox, Daughters of the Goddess (Dianic), San Francisco CA

Sept. 22-23, Harvest Thanksgiving Feast, ritual, workshops, etc., Circle Sanctuary, Mt. Horeb WI

Sept. 22, 10 a.m. -4 p.m.
Yom Kippur/Day of Reflection; Intentions; Memorial/Ancestor Reverence, Mishkan Shekhinah, San Francisco CA

Sept. 22, doors open 6:30 p.m., ritual 7 p.m., Autumn Equinox with Laura Janesdaughter, Goddess Temple of Orange County, Irvine CA

Sept. 23, gather 12:30 p.m., ritual 1 p.m., Equinox/Mabon (Reclaiming), Golden Gate Park, San Francisco CA

Sept. 23, gather 7 p.m., ritual 7:30 p.m. Autumn Equinox, Temple of Goddess Spirituality Dedicated to Sekhmet, Indian Springs NV

Sept. 25, wine-tasting 6 p.m., drumming 7 p.m. Full Moon Drumming - Harvest moon -Wine Harvest
, Goddess Temple of Orange County, Irvine CA

Sept. 26, gather 7 p.m., ritual 7:30 p.m. Full Moon, Temple of Goddess Spirituality Dedicated to Sekhmet, Indian Springs, NV

Sept. 28-30,
"The Sirens' Song" Anima Mundi with Starhawk, Godrano, Sicily, ITALIA


Canberra, 10 a.m.most Saturday mornings, Meditation. The Goddess Shrine, Temple of Lunation Magick
(White Gum Valley): Mondays, 6 p.m.,
Chalice Ceremony, Daughters of Ishtar.

Sudbury: 1st Friday (Sept.-June) 7:30 p.m., Sudbury Women's Circle.
Hamilton: Saturdays, 4-6 p.m. Open Classes ; gather 6:30-7 p.m. Open Circles , Hamilton Temple, Wiccan Church of Canada.

Soderhamn, Mondays, 7-9 p.m., meditation prayer, conversation, Gudinne Templet.

Arlington VA: 3rd Sunday of month, gather 12:45 p.m., ritual 1 p.m. Moonfire CUUPS.
Baltimore MD
: Sundays 10 a.m., Rites of Cafeina,
Cedar Light Grove (ADF)
Geyersville CA: Sunday Services 2-4 p.m. Temple of Isis
Houston TX: Sundays, 10 a.m. Magdalene Community, Rothko Chapel; Mondays at Noon, Christian feminist theology study group ; 1st &3rd Fridays at Noon, Group studying Gospel of Mary, Brigid's Place, Christ Church Cathedral.
Irvine CA: Sunday Services: 1st Service at 9:30 a.m. inward, meditative; 2nd service at 11 a.m., dancing, drumming, singing; see dates for guest speakers. Goddess Temple of Orange County,
Mt. Horeb WI: Goddess Circle, Thursdays 7-8:30 p.m., Circle Sanctuary.
Portland OR: Rituals at new and full moons, quarters and cross-quarters. Full Circle Temple , Tuesdays-Sundays 10 a.m.-10 p.m. "Open to all self-identified women and girls."
Rockville MD: night before new moon, Dark Moon Book Group, Spiral Heart (Reclaiming).
San Francisco CA: Wednesdays, Christian Goddess Rosary, Ebenezer Lutheran Church; 1st Fridays, evenings at various locations, Woman's Spirituality group.
San Francisco CA: New Moon and Full Moon observances, Maa Batakali Cultural Mission.
West Concord MA: 1st Monday, 7-9 p.m.
Women's Circles; other ongoing groups include Demeter & Persephone's Circle for mothers and daughters; Council of Mother Bears; Menopause As Spiritual Journey; Menarche, for mothers and Daughter, at Women's Well.

We'll be happy to add your Goddess and spiritual feminist events (and those you know about that are open to the public) no matter where in the world they are. Leave a comment with your event, giving: Name of event, sponsoring organization (if any), town, date, time (if known), and, required: url of website where person can get more info. (Do NOT give street addresses, phone numbers or email addresses. People should go to the website to get that info.) We plan to publish an Events Coil every month.


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Matrifocus: Lammas 2007

How nourishing I found this issue of Matrifocus , marking this year’s first harvest!

Some of my favorite Goddesses are featured:

"The Holy One" by Johanna Stuckey explores issues surrounding some ancient near eastern Goddesses. Johanna asks us to consider whether the Goddess often shown naked standing on a lion and holding snakes or plants, is Anat? Astarte? Asherah? And is "Quedesh" (or "Qudshu" or "Qedeshet"), which means "Holy One" or possibly adjectively "holy," a title of one or all of these goddesses? Or the name of a separate Goddess?

In her "Pilgrimage to Nepal and Tibet, Part I: Entry into the Sacred," Vicki Noble honors Prajnaparamita, the Mahayana Buddhist (or sometimes defined as Tibetan Buddhist) Goddess . An unexpected opportunity enabled Vicki to travel to Tibet recently. This first installment of a series on her journey discusses the profundity of honoring Prajnaparamita, whose titles include "Mother of the Buddhas," "Mother of Knowledege," "Perfection of Wisdom." Vicki tells of her experience chanting a mantra to Her:

I personally experienced an epiphany during the singing, wherein I felt that Buddhism itself — anchored in Tibet in the 8th century — must have originated as this bittersweet song of love and remembrance to the Goddess religion that had preceded it for so many millennia. The research I have done over two decades, which includes all the recent histories being developed by Tibetan Lamas and scholars and translated to English, suggests that there was meaningful cultural contact between East and West for many thousands of years (at least since 2000 BCE and probably earlier) across the various trade routes we have come to call the "Silk Road." And in this early and sustained contact, the female shaman priestesses were absolutely central. Their magical healing practices and worship of the Great Mother were shared and expressed in similar ways by the "Priestesses" in African Egypt, the "Maenads" of the Mediterranean region, the "Amazons" of Central Asia, and the "Yoginis" of India and Tibet. "OM, gone, gone, all gone; totally all gone," is a (loose) translation of the famous chant — a swan song in my mind, celebrating what I now see as both ending and beginning, an unbroken and never-ending circle of devotion to the Mother of All Things.
The article has a picture of a statue of Prajnaparamita, which has special meaning for me because I was fortunate enough to see the original a few years ago when it came to one of the Smithsonian Museums in DC as part of an exhibit of Tibetan Buddhist artifacts. Perhaps it was the excellent museum lighting, but this slightly-smaller-than-life statue affected me profoundly. Yes, it is artistically exquisite, especially in the hand pose, but there is something more...surely it embodies the divine.

Remember to help yourself to the other fulfilling offerings in this issue:
"Birds, Bats, and Old Mammogram Machines" by Mary Swander, which also discusses gardening, geese, wrens, computers, birdhouses, travel, and Amish views.
"Bring Your Garlands Home" H. Byron Ballard, which tells how birthday gifts launched her – reluctantly – into beekeeping, through which she discovered that conquering fear sometimes involves breaking rules.
In "Dancing with my Grandmothers at Lammas," by Victoria Slind-Flor, "dancing" involves making bread.
This issue’s editorial, by Feral, "Eating the Seed Corn," is about hunger in America.
Susun Weed’s "Spirit and Practice of the Wise Woman Tradition," explores three traditions of healing – wise woman, heroic, and scientific – and the implications of combining them.
In "The Triple Spiral – a PaGaian Heritage for Our Times, " Australian Glenys Livingstone explores cross-quarters, solstices, and equinoxes in both hemispheres and their relationship to cosmogenesis.
And be sure not to miss:
"Color Divinination," by Nancy Vedder-Shults, Ph.D.
"The Personal Politics of Starvation," a poem by Rev. Nano Boye Nagle
"Walking Blue Mounds State Park", a photo essay by Gwen Padden
"Fruits of Earth," a crossword puzzle by Feral and Sage.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Global Goddess Oracle: Lammas 2007

The Lammas issue of Global Goddess Oracle opens with beautiful Goddess art by Wendy Andrew and her poem, "1st August." Next comes "The Art of Aimee Santana." But because this comes right after Wendy's work, it's unclear (at least to me) whether they are related? Or if Wendy has writtten an article about Aimee Santana? Or???

Mama Donna Henes' article, "Distaff of Life," compares the half-way point of summer to "a well-seasoned woman."

Leni Hester treats us to a lovely poem, "August."

In "Deepening Your Craft," Mut Danu tells how this time in summer has became a time for her to "retreat" to a medieval village.

"Found Goddesses" by Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D, focuses on "Opera, Goddess of Magazines and Newsletters."

Dawn Thomas writes about "Heather," and reveals the relationship of this plant to certain goddesses, insects, and summer, among other interesting tidbits.

Belladonna keeps us up to date with "Moon Schedules: Planting and Harvesting Days."

A great way to spend a few summer hours!

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